Lyrics of the song (Preliminary Task)

10:24:00 Drew Anderson 0 Comments

                                                 "Another Girl, Another Planet"


I Always flirt with death
I could kill but I don't care about it
I can face your threats
Stand up tall and scream and shout about it

I think I'm on another world with you
I'm on another planet with you

You always get under my skin
I don't find it irritating
You always play to win
I don't need rehabilitating

Another girl, another planet
Another girl, another planet

Space travel's in my blood
And there ain't nothing I can do about it
Long journeys wear me out but
Oh god, you know we won't live without it

Another girl is loving you now
Another planet forever holding you down
Another planet

The tempo of the song as with most of the songs in the pop Punk genre is quite fast, upbeat and energetic, This affects how we plan to do our video beach it has to fit in with the song. Because of this the requirement that we got that no shot should be longer than 4 seconds is actually quite useful and easy to do and this did influence our song choice. By having quick shots we are able to create the energetic feel of the song in the video and this is so important because  if the video is very slow and the song fast then it wouldn't look right to watch and wouldn't look very good at all.The lyrics of the song also have a massive impact on the video because we want to have a good narrative we need to plan a video that fits in with the lyrics of the song. The main part of the song is Another girl another planet as with the song title and so we need to plan the video to incorporate it some how we are planning to have an influence of some how the girl being in a different place to out main character suggesting the other planet. The genre of the song is pop/rock punk, with this normally the videos for these types of songs fit in with the punk type culture, This affects how the people in videos dress act and what they are doing and so this would influence how we plan the mise en scene of the video to try and follow the trend of videos in the same sort of genre.


Format of video (Preliminary Task)

10:05:00 Drew Anderson 0 Comments

Since our song is quite upbeat and energetic we decided that we wanted to have a mix of both narrative and live performance from a band. We decided it would be good to have a mix of the two because it breaks up the footage a bit and makes the video more interesting to watch. Another reason we decided to do a mix of both is because the whole point of a music video is to promote the band and the song to encourage a person to buy their music, and  an easy way to draw attention to the band and their music is to make the video interesting and enjoyable and by putting the band in the video so we decided on that basis. Although we are using live performance we want to have an emphasis on the narrative as well and aim to follow that with the footage we are planning every scene of the music video to make sure there is nothing that would contradict the narrative that we are trying to follow.


Roles within the group (Preliminary Task)

01:51:00 Drew Anderson 0 Comments

 As a group we have assigned individual roles for each person within the group. This is done to make the organisation and process of the task significantly quicker and mirror more of the real processes involved in producing media today. 
These are the roles each of us will carry out: 
  • Oliver Turner- Filming and editing 
  • Drew Anderson- Editing 
  • Sophia Diaper - Blog posts and taking pictures 
  • Emma Hagstrom - Album artwork and Branding 
This consists of taking the camera to our locations and deciding the scene and composition. It is this persons job to manage how the film will actually look like and what camera angles could be used. This person must think about the following camera techniques: Close-ups, Long shots, Aerial shots, crab shot, types of focusing (pull focus, shallow focus), and things like rule of thirds. This is critical to making a successful and well structured video. This person must also consider the timing of the music and how each shot should support what is being said in the lyrics of the song. If this is done incorrectly, there will be no rhythm to the music video and it would appear jumpy or out of place. The camera person should also think about the positioning of the camera and whether it should be used on a tripod or whether it should be hand-held. 

This person's duty is to ensure that the end product and idea is met by applying visual effects to the video and manipulate it in a way that conforms to the song. Editing is usually the longest period of time between actually filming the video and the end result and distribution of the content. Effects could include: Image stabiliser, colour effects (saturation, exposure), speed/tempo, and animations. I think it would be really interesting to include some visual effects into our preliminary video as it will be an ideal time to explore with premiere pro and after effects a little more and ultimately see what will work with our song choice. I often find it most helpful to carry out some research through online tutorials on sites such as YouTube before attempting any form of editing. Also, as a group we have already had first hand experience with editing (I edited the entire film for my opening in AS) which means we are fairly familiar with these professional editing software packages. I have also learnt to back up files and keep a spare hard drive free for the footage as filming often requires large amounts of space and will need to be easily accessible. Files need to be named individually before editing and will need to grouped into one contained folder in a secure location otherwise premiere pro is unable to recognise the footage.

Blog posts and taking pictures: 
This person must keep up to date with blog posts and taking pictures behind filming the music video. This is key to documenting our development and progress of the video and means we have visual evidence to support our work and the choices we made. It would also be good to film a "video diary" to better show the production process. This could easily be done and uploaded onto sites such as YouTube. 

Album artwork and Branding: 
This person is in charge of producing the branding of the music video and song. Examples include: a poster, CD album artwork and other merchandise proposals. I think this would be good to show as it will support the video itself, ultimately producing a more worthy and professional outcome. This could be done by using software such as Photoshop or Illustrator which make it much easier to visualise ideas and manipulate them later. 


Song Choice (Preliminary Task)

13:06:00 Drew Anderson 0 Comments

Blink-182: Another girl another planet

The song that we have chosen to use is Another girl another planet by Blink-182, we chose to use this is because we thought that it would work best with the conditions that we have been given, as there is a nice long 42 second intro that would provide a great opportunity for the 30second long shot we need but also the lyrics are all about a girl and this gives a lot of freedom with what we can do and so we decided that this would be the best of our two to choose. Another reason that we chose to pick this song was when we discussed ideas that we could do for the two we had narrowed our list down to we where able to think of a lot more for the Blink 182 song but due to the lyrics and narrative of the of monsters and men song it was harder to think of a good narrative that we could do so this influenced our choice greatly


Research (Preliminary Task)

12:57:00 Drew Anderson 0 Comments


Once we had decided on the songs we now need to do some research into songs of a similar genre that we can take inspiration from not only what to do but also what not to do, also we are able to see how it makes us feel based on if it has a strong narrative or not which we would like to do in our music video

                                           Moose Blood - Gum (Genre - Alternative/Rock)

This music video is by moose blood and it has been filmed in a very interesting was, unlike a lot of music videos that are filmed so the camera is very clear steady and gives a clean crisp shot this one if filmed as if it is someone holding a camcorder following the actor in it, the shot is occasionally shake and gets slightly blurry at times this works very well for the video as it gives the viewer the feeling that they are following the actor through the video. Another thing about this video that makes it very successful is that it combines a good narrative with shots of thebans playing and unlike  some videos cutting between the two we actually see he actor walking past and watching the band play without directly interacting with them this allows for long shots that ket us really feel apart of the narrative of the video. The only bad thing about this video is that some things in the narrative of it are a bit weird and don't make sense for example the actor wearing bunny ears in one scene this doesn't fit into the narrative of the song at all and if for the audience a bit strange.

                                       Vance Joy - Riptide (Genre - Alternative/Indie rock)

This music video is by artist, Vance Joy. Perhaps one of the things that makes this music video particularly successful is this somewhat artistic, almost retro style of film. This is most likely achieved by using a particular film or camera lens (35mm) to give this appearance but also with editing techniques used later on. This particular film does not rely on a linear narrative, instead quickly cutting between a range of shots and scenes. This actually gives more interest into the video, revealing something that is not normally exhibited in music videos. Furthermore, these rather choppy cuts run well in parallel to the actual speed of the song, creating a rhythm that makes us more inclined to watch. The only thing i don't like about this video is that there is text at the bottom of the screen in parts of the video, its obiuosl been done to try and add to the narrative of the video however i think it looks bad and that it would have been better to show it in another way through images rather than putting text on the music video. The biggest problem with the text is that it is onto of the video not part of it which doesn't look good at all.

              Good charlotte - Lifestyle of the rich and famous (Genre - Alternative/Pop Punk)

This music video is very original and unique it is cut between shots of a narrative and sits of a band playing however on several occasions through the video the screen freezes and turns into magazine articles this is a very interesting choice as it fits in with the narrative and words of the song well but also is an effective tool in making the transition from shots of the story to shots of the band playing.The magazine article don't last long and at one part of the song changes on every beat of the song which creates a fast pace to the video. They also use dialogue in this video which is a very strange thing for a music video because it doesn't fit in with the song , the music fades into the background quietly and dialogue is spoken over the top. Another clever thing about this video is it has stock footage from news stations of police chases and things  like that put into it which adds and boosts the narrative of the song. There  are a variety of shots used in this many low and high angle shots which create the feeling of looking up to and down at the performers which fit into the narrative of the songs well. Some of the shots are seen through security cameras which again boosts the narrative of them being criminals. The only bad thing about this video is that the dialogue does distract from the song a bit and although it is cleverly sed i think that it would be better to still use it but not for as long as it lasts a long time in terms of the song.


The task (Preliminary Task)

06:22:00 Drew Anderson 0 Comments

In preparation for A2 coursework we have been given a trial effort over the next month to produce an original music video, and accompanying original CD cover for the release of the song. I will be working with:

  • Drew Anderson
  • Emma Hagstrom
  • Sofia diaper

We have been given the following songs to choose from:

Of Monsters and Men - Little talks:

Blink 182 - Another Girl Another Planet

Sia - Cheap thrills:

DJ sammy - The Boys of summer

Likewise we have been given a condition to include in the video and a stimulus to base the idea around and see where it takes us.

The conditions that we where given was 'one shot that lasts atlas 30 seconds' and ' no shot longer that 4 seconds' although these slightly contradict each other  we are going to use both as it will provide an interesting challenge and ultimately make our video more interesting.

In the end after much deliberation we decided narrowed it down to two songs from our group these where Of monsters and men - little talks and Another girl another planet by Blink 182 as we thought that there was a lot we could do with both of them and that we would be able to fit them  in with our conditions well.


Welcome Post

02:13:00 Drew Anderson 0 Comments

A2 Media Studies Blog

This is the blog for my advanced production portfolio for A2 Media Studies