Song choice

04:36:00 Drew Anderson 0 Comments

1. How important is song choice? 

Image result for london grammar
Our song choice: London Grammar-wasting my young years

Song choice is extremely important for a music video as it is the song that really dictates what goes on in the video. From the rhythm and beat of the song to the genre of music, the filmmaking must follow accordingly otherwise it may look out of place and not really fit. This is definitely something we really need to think about when editing as this is where the video is attached to the song itself. Here I must think about timings and where certain cuts are placed to ensure they fit with the beat of the song. For example, when the music reaches a slower tempo then perhaps a slow motion effect could be employed? Or when the tempo speeds the editing could get very choppy and change extremely quickly very much like the editing techniques exhibited by ... in Shaun of the dead. 

2. What genre of music are you thinking of using? 

We have decided to use an alternative/indie style of genre. We feel that the quite slow pace and serious, melancholic feel of the song really resonates with our idea. Overall, the plot line is quite dark just like the song. In terms of lyrics, the chorus reads "wasting my young years" which is essentially what happens to our lead character who turns to drugs to overcome his sadness, in turn "wasting" his "young years". I also feel the alternative vibe from the song is very different from most music nowadays which I think will immediately create a unique feel to the video. 

3. What genre of filmmaking do you think will fit with this genre of music? 

Spike Jonze as well as Edgar Wright are the two main film directors that I aspire to. I really like their use of camera work and I think it would really work with the style of music video we are after. Jonze's work often create this melancholic, sad tone which is something that is a necessity in our music video.