Location research

03:31:00 Drew Anderson 0 Comments

For our idea we have decided on 3 main areas for the locations, a forest scene a city scene and a beach scene, the beach scene is particularly important because we are going to film it at sunrise.

Forest - Theatford forest

This location is perfect because it is easy for us to get to and it doesn't look like a built up area at all there are no buildings in the backdrop and there is a mixture of thin and thick forest areas that will give us ample opportunity to film in .

Beach - Southwald beach

This location is good because it had the long beaches stretching out as well as nothing blocking the view across the sea this means that we will easily be able to see the sun in the sunrise as well as being easily accessible.

City - Norwich City

These locations are good because the city is normally fairly busy and combines the old part of the city which is quite bright and colo0urful and the new part which is modern and stylish the combination of these two should make a great location to film at

Have you thought about weather conditions?
we would like the city and forest scenes to be filmed in the daytime and if possible on a clear sunny day because this would mean more people out in the places and will make it look more natural, but the beach scene we would like to be filmed at sunset and quite desolate as this will look quite good and add to the cinematography.

Do you have a back up?
we don't currently have back ups for these locations because the only thing that should stop us using them is bad weather and this is easy for us to sort out as when we plan our shooting schedule; we are going to make sure that we check the weather and also if needs be we can always wait until another day to film with better weather, since they are all public places we cant be stopped form filming apart from Theatford forest which we have permission to film at .

Can all your cast get there?
we are providing the transport for our cast so them getting to the location only depends on us  which shouldn't be a problem.

are you using exterior interior locations?
we are planning to use nearly all exterior locations however we are using an interior for the bedroom scene the reason that we are using mainly exterior locations is because the idea is that these are his memories of time with her on dates and things like that which involve the going out.